After Spring Break, Boulder Elementary students start their school day with Morning Mile, a fitness program promoting healthy physical activity. Students can arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 A.M.

Students begin their school day each morning by completing as many laps around a designated course at the town park as possible. They can run at a full sprint, jog, walk, talk with friends, or even skip! 

Exercise endorphins help students start the day feeling positive! Additionally, the goal is to get children moving, build bone strength, develop muscle, fight obesity, boost cognitive performance, and aid focus. It is also an excellent conditioning opportunity for our students to prepare for the upcoming district-wide track meet for fourth through eighth graders.

We have marked out a quarter-mile course at the town park where the students will complete their daily laps. Elizabeth, Nina, and other volunteers will be present to supervise the students and keep a count of their laps.

Parents, siblings, and neighbors can participate or stand on the sidelines to cheer on the students. The morning mile will continue throughout the school year, taking place every school day, weather permitting. 

Students will track their daily distance from the first day of participation until the end of the school year. Each participant will receive a bead for every five miles. You can follow our progress and compare it to the previous year’s accomplishments by clicking the corresponding year: 2024 Spring Tracker2023 Spring Tracker2022 Spring Tracker2021 Spring Tracker